- Days and Times
- 4:00-5:15 p.m. TR
- Course Description
“The bomb has dropped, and we are the mutants.”
This course is situated at that meeting place of history and memory. We will proceed chronologically but we will often revisit enduring themes from the first few years of the atomic age.
We will examine enduring concerns: the symbolic construction of war in American remembrance; the struggle to imagine and engage the enormity of the transformations brought about by the nuclear age; the conviction that the “stuff” of culture both enriches and impoverishes that struggle.
Together, we will gain a better understanding of an ever-endangered future in the life of the recent past. Mindful of the epigraph above, we can offer thoughtful observations about the formations, reformations, and deformations of the human condition expressed in the range of nuclear age cultural work we explore together.
Note: Be aware multiple course titles fall under this course number.
Instructor: Edward Linenthal