Metamorphosis: Art and Politics

CLLC-L 210 — Fall 2021 — Themester

Foster Quad 012A
Days and Times
1:10P-2:25P Tuesday and Thursday
Course Description

Do we understand radical change of the self as loss or gain, virtue or distortion, punishment or liberation? Why do we rely on the mythic, religious, and supernatural to explain extreme changes in identity? This course will not only tackle these questions but help us understand how the concept of metamorphosis has articulated them through artistic tradition and experimentation, leaving a mark on our historical and political imaginations and on our popular media today.

This course fulfills GenEd A&H and CASE A&H.
This course number has multiple sections and titles. Choose section 22635 for this topic.

Instructor: Anushka Sen

Read an interview with Ms. Sen