Dr. Ivan Kreilkamp studies pets. As a professor in the Department of English, he researches animal representation in Victorian-era literature, with a special focus on the domestication of dogs and other pets. He also studies the earliest days of the animal rights movement and how it influenced literature of the era (and vice versa).
“Petted Things”
About our guest
Our guest for this episode was Ivan Kreilkamp, a professor in the English Department whose book Minor Creatures: Persons, Animals, and the Victorian Novel was published this year.

Animal / Human Podcast was made possible by:
Faculty guests: Stephanie Kane, Michael Wasserman, Jeanne Sept, Brandon Barker, Jonathon Crystal, Ivan Kreilkamp; hosts and editors Jonah Chester and Clay Catlin; Paul Gutjahr, associate dean for Arts and Humanities and Undergraduate Education; Tracy Bee, director of Academic Initiatives, College of Arts and Sciences; Themester 2018 Faculty Advisory Committee; The College of Arts + Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington.